Zulrah is a popular solo boss found in the east of Zul-andra, often farmed by players due to the quick kills and ease of travel and banking.
The Zulrah fight is often iconically considered to be very difficult to get the hang of, especially without a detailed guide – but the fact is that once the player has learned the ‘rotations’ of Zulrah the fight becomes very easy and Zulrah becomes a very fast and very effective method of farming gold. For every kill, Zulrah has a 100% chance to drop between 100 – 300 Zulrah Scales, as well as two other drops from the rest of the drop table. The three unique items on the Zulrah drop table – the Tanzanite Fang, Magic Fang and the Serpentine Visage – are all dropped at a rate of 1/128 and a are a welcome addition for both regular players and Ironmen alike.
Zulrah cannot be damaged through melee, and the recommended Ranged and Magic levels for the fight are at least 75.
The Zulrah boss fight takes place in an instance meaning you can only fight the boss alone and that your items are retrievable on death at 0 cost.