Vorkath is a boss encountered during Dragon Slayer 2. After the quest, you can return to fight a significantly stronger Vorkath in an instance on Ungael. Due to the quick kills and ease of travel and banking, as well as the valueable loot, Vorkath is often farmed in a similar manner to Zulrah for profits.
Vorkath can be assigned by slayer masters as a boss task, and as he is also classed as a blue dragon, he can be killed on a blue dragon task with a Slayer Helm for the accuracy and damage bonus. If you do not have a slayer task of either Vorkath or Blue Dragons, you can use a Salve Amulet(e) or (ei) for an accuracy and damage boost. Paired with Void, this method is proving very effective. Using either a Slayer Helm or Salve Amulet(e) or (ei) is highly recommended, but remember they cannot be used together.
Most players are killing Vorkath using either a Void Range setup, or a Void Melee setup.