Vet’ion is a Skeleton boss found within the Wilderness.
As Vet’ion is a Skeleton, Vet’ion kills will count towards a Skeleton slayer task. Vet’ion also spawns 4 Hellhounds each time you kill him, so you can take advantage of a Hellhound slayer task.
However, as Vet’ion is is also an undead creature, using a Salve Amulet is more efficient than using a Slayer Helmet. Only use a Slayer Helmet if you do not have the Salve Amulet.
Vet’ion is quite a popular boss due to his high-value drops, although it is also a popular spot for PKers. Combine the threat of PKers with Vet’ions powerful attacks and this makes Vet’ion a rather dangerous boss.
The best tactic to use at Vet’ion to maximise your kills per hour is to use Viggora’s Chainmace combined with a Salve Amulet. Viggora’s Chainmace gives a 50% attack bonus against enemies in the Wilderness and this stacks with the 20% attack bonus from the Salve Amulet – making them a very powerful combination.