Guides written by Kittyyyy, owner of Nexus
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Recommended Quests
- How to Get There
- Recommended Levels
- Recommended Minimum Gear
- How to Form a Team
- Team Size and Scaling
- Roles
- Prepotting
Introduction :
The Theatre of Blood – also known as Raids 2 – is Old School Runescape’s second raid which can be found within the castle of Ver Sinhaza, to the east of Meiyerditch.
The Theatre of Blood, along with the Chambers of Xeric is considered by many to be one of the best pieces of content in the game to be undertaken by a group of players, like a clan or a group of friends. The raid is linear, meaning the same bosses are always fought in the same order. Some of the bosses are extremely challenging and the potential for massive rewards upon completion of the raid like the legendary Scythe of Vitur can make it very exciting. It does however have quite a steep learning curve and in order to do raids 2 efficiently, it’s very beneficial to have enough GP to buy lots of high-level gear.
There are different tactics players can use to gear up for Raids 2, one of the most common and easiest ways to efficiently gear is to use Void or Elite Void armour. Using Void allows you to bring less gear and more food and potions, making it ideal for beginners and for players who do not have a lot of GP for expensive gear.
More advanced players or players with a lot of GP may want to bring high-level gear like Bandos for Melee or Ancestral for Magic. These will reduce the amount of inventory space you have for other potions though, so know your limits!
A great resource for players looking to learn to raid as part of a group is the Nexus discord, where there are regular Raids 2 runs for players of all levels – including absolute beginners with no experience!
Recommended Quests
- A Taste of Hope –
Drakan’s Medallion (ToB Teleport)
- Desert Treasure –
Ancient Magicks
- Lunar Diplomacy –
Lunar Spells
How to Get There :
Quick-Route : Drakan’s Medallion Teleport
Slower Route : Ectophial -> Boat to the north (10k gp) -> run south
Recommended Levels
99 (94 minimum)
77+ with
Recommended Minimum Gear
How to Form a Team :
The first time you enter the theatre, you must talk to the mysterious stranger (in the blue circle).
Next, go to the Recruiting Board to the southwest and
- Click “Make Party” or
- Apply to someone’s party by clicking their name first, and then clicking “apply.”
Team Size and Scaling :
Boss health in ToB scales to the number of people in the party. An example health is given as a reference.
- 5 man 100% health (2000)
- 4 man 87.5% health (1750)
- 3 man 75% health (1500)
- 2 man 75% health (1500)
- Solo 75% health (1500)
Here is an expected profit ratio for team size:
- 5 man = 1.00
- 4 man = 1.18
- 3 man = 1.39
- 2 man = 1.45
- Solo = 1.20 (this does not account for costs)
Roles :
- 5 man
- 4 man
- 3 man
Brings freezes in their rune pouch.
Brings vengeance in their rune pouch.
Brings freezes or vengeance in their rune pouch (5man is veng only)
Prepotting :
Once your team is ready, and just before going in, remember to “pre-pot.” Here are two combinations, but there are many. Just remember to boost your
Basic pre-pot:
No-heart full divine pre-pot:
Click below for full detail ToB Boss Guides
- The Maiden of Sugadinti
- The Pestilent Bloat
- Nylocas Vasilias
- Sotetseg
- Xarpus
- Verzik Phase 1
- Verzik Phase 2
- Verzik Phase 3
Mechanics :
- Maiden will aggro whoever is closest to her and attack them with magic, prioritizing the east side (then south, north, and west).
- Maiden will throw bloods splats occasionally instead of her magic attack. Move a few tiles to avoid this. If she does a blood attack, her NEXT TWO AUTOS will NOT be blood. These bloods splats can become Blood Spawns (120hp) which leave trails of blood behind them. Standing on these blood pools heals maiden and damages the player’s health and prayer every tick.
- At 70% 50% and 30% Maiden will spawn red Nylocas (two per living player) which should be frozen on their respective tiles (see video below). If the Nylocas reach Maiden, they will heal her for twice their health, increase the chance of blood spawns and increase her max hit by 3 per crab.
(Intermediate) Team Fight Strategy :
Team Roles : 2 freezers , 1+ dps
Freezer –
(Ice and Blood Barrage) – Blood + Death + water/souls* (kodai)
Dps –
(Vengeance) – Astrals/Earths/Waters
Prayers –
(if no divines)
Freezer Strategy :
- To begin the fight, spec Maiden twice with
. Switch into blowpipe and take off your melee boots. Just before 70% 50% and 30%, pre-switch into mage gear + augury and freeze n123(4) and s124. Blood Barrage the clump until every crab is dead. After 30s are killed, blowpipe or scythe maiden until she is at 8%, then chally or blowpipe spec (less damage).
Note: You will never splash with void mage, occult, mage cape (i) and augury. This assumes you remove your melee boots and have 99 magic. See the chart below for more information on 100% freeze chance.
Dps Strategy :
- To begin the fight, spec Maiden twice with
. Switch into blowpipe and take off your melee boots. “Push” (dps) the boss into 70% 50% and 30%. Once the red nylocas spawn, blowpipe the n12 and s1 crabs until they are 100% dead. The clump may need assistance in killing towards the end. Assist if necessary, then get back to Maiden. After 30s are killed, blowpipe or scythe maiden until she is at 8%, then chally or blowpipe spec (less damage).
Note: You will never splash with void mage, occult, mage cape (i) and augury. This assumes you remove your melee boots and have 99 magic. See the chart below for more information on 100% freeze chance.
Tips :
- Your most accurate combat style can be drained if she attacks you. This can prevent you from freezing. Monitor your magic level to avoid this.
- Freeze blood cells around the room (no gear switch required) and blowpipe them to avoid excess blood in the room.
- It is extremely important that warhammers go first before a bgs hits. Players with bgs should hit with their mainhanded melee weapon until the warhammer specs are finished.
- Right click the clump if you aren’t sure if the top crab will survive, or turn your screen for a better angle.
- Blood Nylocas that get through will increase the damage blood splats deal per tick.
- Pre-dodge Maiden’s blood attack by moving before every attack animation. If you are next to her, always be moving before this attack as you have less time to react.
Remember: If she throws blood, her next two attacks will not be blood, after that you MUST pre-dodge.
Special Attack Chart:
Maiden Magic Accuracy 100% Freeze Thresholds :
Maiden DPS calcs (highest dps is the bottom chart) :
*Note: The number of DWH specs landed increases as you move to the right. This calc chart is also a graph.
Mechanics :
- Bloat walks around the room and starts a timer when a player enters. He can change directions as he moves. When his yellow crystal timer expires he will collapse for a period of time. When he wakes up he stomps the ground and deals heavy damage (80 max) to nearby players. Then the process repeats as he begins to move.
- At 60% health he can also jog and run. Now he can walk or do a combination of running and jogging. The number of hitsplats the team deals to bloat can affect whether he will walk or run/jog.
- At 90% hp, Bloat causes meat to fall from the ceiling. Shadows appear on the ground to indicate the tiles where they will fall. If the meat hits the player they will be damaged heavily and stunned in place for a few ticks. A stunned player is likely to “catch flies.”
- Bloat carries deadly flies with him that will attack any players they can “see.” The flies can spread to any nearby players, causing 10-20 damage per fly, per team member and per tick. This can wipe the team in seconds.
(Intermediate) Team Fight Strategy :
- Team Roles : 3+ dps
Prayers –
(if no divines)
Required Items :
General Strategy :
- Enter the room when bloat is on the opposite side, praying range at all times. Always be on the opposite side of bloat (and next to the pillar) when he is moving. Walk when possible and watch for when he turns. Drop 1 super combat (After sipping it) on the opposite side of the pillar. When bloat goes down, attack him with your main-handed weapon and leave with a crystal halberd spec (see Hit Chart below). Save your claws and second chally spec for the second down. Run around the corner and dodge his stomp, then dodge the shadows. When he goes down again, attack him and repeat as before until he dies. Afrerwards, drop your
and buy 1 stamina potion.
Note: If two players have a bgs, they should each bgs bloat once on his first down (as he has 100 defense), then switch to their main-handed weapon until they crystal halberd spec.
Tips :
- Players can npc-tag bloat on Runelite (npc-indicators) to follow his movements easier.
- Veng during the room to prepare for nylo, but be careful of when you veng because it moves you 1 tile and this can cause flies.
- When dodging the stomp, you must only go around 1 corner and then be at least 5 tiles away. In other words, if he is 4 tiles or more from the nearest corner, you only need to go around it and stand there to avoid his stomp.
- If you have space to bring an anglerfish, it can be used for this room to tank the stomp for an extra hit. This will cause flies for you and your team, but if the team is careful, this can be helpful to dps.
- Step 1 tile back before crystal halberd speccing to give yourself a 1 tile advantage to turn the corner.
- If you are having trouble seeing the shadows (while wearing void), you can take off your void bottoms and then re-equip before attacking.
- Marking the corner tiles may be helpful to see where the corner is and how many tiles around. I recommend marking the 3 tiles that make up the corner.
Number of hits on bloat (if on time) :
*Note: If you are late, do 1 total hit less.
Bloat DPS Calc :
Mechanics (Waves) :
= mage.
= range.
= melee.
- Inside the room, colored nylocas of different sizes will spawn. Some will go to the pillars and some will attack players (aggros). Players must kill the nylocas before they destroy the four support pillars and collapse the room, while still kill the aggros.
- Aggressive crabs will pause when they enter the room and stop players from attacking them for a moment.
- Large crabs will split into two when they are killed.
- The nylocas will spawn in predetermined waves. The total number of crabs allowed in the room is 12 until wave 20, where three big range crabs appear. After wave 20 the cap doubles to 24. This means there can be twice as many crabs in the room.
- At wave 23 (the double nylos after the 3 waves of all big ones), the nylocas can change colors as they come down the lane, canceling players’ attacks.
- Nylocas explode if there are too many in the room and the wave cap is reached. They can also explode if they have been in the room for too long.
- If attacked with the wrong attack style, players will be unable to damage the nylocas.
- After the waves are finished and all nylocas are dead, the boss will spawn after a brief period.
Mechanics (Boss
) :
- The Nylocas King will attack first with melee, then change to either mage or range. The boss will do two auto attacks and then change attack styles. When it changes attack styles, the players are stopped from attacking automatically.
- If hitting with the incorrect attack style, the player will take that damage and heal the boss.
- The boss can hit through mage and range prayer, but not melee.
(Intermediate) Team Fight Strategy :
- Team size (3) : 1 mage
, 1 melee
, 1 range
- Team size (4) : 1 mage
, 2 melee
, 1 range
- Team size (5 – most difficult) : 2 mage
, 2 melee
, 1 range
Mage(s) –
(Ice and Blood Barrage) – Blood + Death + water/souls* (kodai)
Melee #1 –
(Ice and Blood Barrage) – Blood + Death + water/souls* (kodai)
Melee #1 –
(Vengeance) – Astrals/Earths/Waters
Range –
(Vengeance) – Astrals/Earths/Waters
Prayers –
(depending on role),
(if no divines)
Recommended items : 5-10
(for ranger)
General Strategy (Waves) :
- First prepot a sip of bastion/range potion or a supercombat if you are meleeing. Turn on
. If your play-style allows you to bring an imbued heart, hit it now.
- As a team, players should first focus on the small nylocas as they enter the room. Large nylocas split into two when they are killed, so they should always be focused last. If an aggressive nylocas appears, it must be killed immediately as it will damage players from the center of the room. Crabs that are walking around the room and neither attacking players nor pillars should be ignored until they attack something.
- Players should be constantly attacking in this room and watching their exp drops.
- Meleers can do a 1-way switch into a staff and mage a crab if there are no melee nylos in the room. Magers can do the same switch into melee if there are no
- Meleers should flinch their melee nylos in the later waves to avoid the AoE explosion damage in case the room is capped.
- Magers can freeze multiple
to save time and deal more damage. Ice barrage is used primarily for later waves to clear large piles of mage nylos. Ina 4man, one meleer can help freeze if necessary.
General Strategy (Boss
) :
- First prepot a sip of bastion/range potion and supercombat, equip your melee gear and pray melee. One player should equip a bgs and attempt to hit 50 damage to get the boss to 0 defense. Claw the boss once, then crystal halberd spec (claw 2x if no chally). Use your second halberd spec when you next have 30% spec and the boss is in the melee form.
- Change your prayers first before attempting to damage the boss. Remember: The boss does two auto attacks and then switches its attack style, so after its second auto attack you have to change your prayers immediately.
- Players have enough time for 3-4 blowpipe hits, 2 whip/scythe, or 2 trident.
Tips :
- Players should monitor the health of the pillars and call out the lowest pillar’s direction. This helps the team to focus it to prevent it from falling.
- Vengeance can help destroy the aggros and should be used whenever available. Vengeance reminders are helpful too.
- Melee boots should be taken off during the waves if your role is to mage or range.
- For the boss, pre-switch your gear to your next-best-dps style (scythe > tbow/bp > trident).
- Calling out overhead prayers during the room can help your team survive. Voice Channels are also extremely useful for this room. Calling out a safe hp (70+) when pillars are low is helpful, too.
- Some players turn on “entity hider” on their client settings so they cannot see other players in the room. This can make clicking nylocas easier.
- Health of small/large nylocas in different scales :
- trio : 8/16
- 4 man : 9/19
- 5 man : 11/22
- Exp drops of small/large nylocas in different scales :
- trio : 32/64
- 4 man : 36/76
- 5 man : 44/88
This is THE guide to watch for this room to learn your roles :
Wave Order :
Mechanics (Boss
) :
- Sotetseg can either melee a player or launch a red (mage) orb at a random player.
- If Sotetseg launches a magic orb, this orb will split into another red orb (mage) and a black orb (range) once it hits the first player. These orbs then target two other players at random. The orbs cause significant damage and disable your prayers temporarily if they are not protected against. [Mage -> Mage + Range]
- Sotetseg can melee a player who is within 1 tile of him. This attack causes up to 51 damage and can hit through prayer (25 max). This attack can be avoided by stepping back by 1 tile, but this can force Sotetseg to launch a magic orb at a player (which will then split).
- Sotetseg launches a death ball at players after 10 un-split mage orbs. This large, floating red orb deals 115 damage to a player if no other player is near them. To spread this damage out, players “death dot” (gather at the same tile) directly in front of Sotetseg until this attack is finished. The total damage from this orb becomes 70 when ALL players are within 1 tile of the person targeted by the death orb.
- Sotetseg transports players to the other side of the maze when he is at 66.6% and 33.3% health, with one player moving to the Shadow Realm, unable to see the rest of their team
Mechanics (Maze) :
- Players arrive at the other side of the maze on the same tile. Sotetseg does not attack at this time. A red maze is laid out for the one person chosen to “run the maze.” Tiles on this maze are shown on the normal maze when stepped on. The person in the shadow realm is dealt very light damage over time to encourage their team to continue the room. At the end of the maze, the player is given a portal back to the real world.
- When a player who is not in the shadow realm steps onto the FOURTH row, a tornado of death will spawn behind their team at the start of the maze. This tornado will follow the red path that is laid out in the shadow realm, rapidly and heavily damaging any players it catches up to.
- The maze will AoE damage players who step onto that tile that is not red in the shadow realm.
- When the maze is finished, Sotetseg regains defense and the fight repeats until the next maze, or until he is dead (this is why we only defense-reduce spec one time per phase!)
(Intermediate) Team Fight Strategy :
- Team roles : 3+ dps
(scythe/whip) /
Prayers –
(depending on weapon),
(if no divines)
Recommended Spellbook :
(Vengeance) – Astrals/Earths/Water
General Strategy (Boss) :
- To begin the fight, prepot a super combat potion and pray magic. Run past the barrier and towards Sotetseg with
on. Once within his melee distance, always
unless an orb is about to hit you. Spec him 1x with a
and switch to your mainhanded weapon and dps him until 66.6%. After the first maze, spec him 1x again and dps him to 33.3%. After the second maze, spec him and kill him.
- Spread out in an equally-spaced manner to allow for prayer flicking.
- When the death ball spawns, death dot in front of Sotetseg as a group. Step 1 tile back from Sotetseg to avoid his melee attack and pray mage during the death orb. This will save you from being combo’d out sometimes as you will not take up to 50 damage from his melee attack in addition to his death ball. When the death ball is finished, return to your tiles and continue to prayer flick, watching for any orbs coming your way.
General Strategy (Waves) :
- At the beginning of the maze, turn your prayers off. The player teleported to the shadow realm should stand on the 1st red tile of the maze. They should never step on a tile that is not red. This will likely kill their team. After waiting a couple seconds for your team to get to the first tile, show them how to get to the third row. Once you are at this third row, wait a few seconds or ask your team if they are ready, then proceed to run the maze, “hitting the corners” (running straight lines) until you are finished. Afterwards, enter the portal and return to the fight.
- On the surface world, players should follow the red tiles as they appear. Redemption is a useful prayer in the event that someone stands on the wrong tile. Players should stand at the third row until the team is ready to proceed, as the fourth row starts the tornado.
Tips :
- By default, players should use
, switching to
only just before an orb hits them. This will help avoid most of the damage in the room.
- To tick eat the death ball, click your brew just as the ball touches your body. Another method is to click your brew the second time his head bobs.
- If a magic and range orb are both targeting you are the same time: First
, then
- If you are in danger of dying, simply take 1 step away from Sotetseg, protect against your orbs, heal up, and then safely step back next to Sotetseg with
- It is helpful to watch the player diagonal from you, as any orbs that bounce off them have a chance to go under Sotetseg towards you. These are the hard ones to see. To flinch Sotetseg, stand 1 tile away from him and wait for him to attack. Once he does, he cannot attack for another 5 ticks. This is when you attack him and then move away before his next attack is ready.
- If you hit a warhammer spec, call it to your teammates. A total of 2 warhammers reduces Sotetseg’s defense to 100, his minimum defense. This saves special attack energy for the team (for a claw/chally).
Sotetseg Tiles :
- Orange Tiles : 4 man, 3 man
- Blue Tiles : 5 man (the fifth blue tile would be the NW orange one, to form a pentagon)
- Death dot (gathering spot) : Front blue tile
Sotetseg DPS Calc :
*Sotetseg’s minimum defense is 100.
Mechanics :
Phase 1
- Xarpus will summon green corpses from the ground which heal him for 6hp per tick.
Phase 2
- Xarpus will spit acid at players in orb order.
- Acid that Xarpus spits will bounce to two other players and then stop bouncing (just like the orbs at Sotetseg)
- Acid on the floor deals damage to players who cross over it.
Phase 3
- Xarpus will SCREEEEEECCHH!! at 20-28% health. At this time, Phase 3 starts.
- Xarpus will face a quadrant (1/4) of the room and stare at that side. Every 8 ticks he will change the direction he is facing, never facing the same direction twice.
- Xarpus will attack any player in the quadrant of the room he is looking at if they attack him, dealing 50 damage + 1/2 the damage they dealt.
- Note: The quadrant Xarpus faces and deals damage to includes the lines that divide the quadrants. Players must be completely out of this quadrant to avoid his recoil attack.
(Intermediate) Team Fight Strategy :
- Team roles : 3+ dps
(scythe/whip) /
Prayers –
(depending on weapon),
(if no divines)
Recommended Spellbook :
(Vengeance) – Astrals/Earths/Water
General Strategy (Boss
) :
Phase 1
- Drop two potions at the start of the phase. This gives your oom to take off your melee boots (if you’re ranging) and to equip your bgs/range weapon.
- To avoid healing Xarpus, players should stand on top of the exhumed corpses (“twisted bucklers”).
- As only one player needs to stand on the buckler to stop it from healing Xarpus, the team should spread out to cover more space in the room.
- The orange tiles represent the four tiles that players should stand on to be perfectly spread out if there are no “bucklers” in their quadrant (1/4 room). These four tiles are 2 ticks at most from any buckler in that quadrant, meaning they are the best place to default to.
Phase 2
- Players should stand on the green squares in different quadrants and
spec Xarpus twice. Remember to wait for
to hit before you bgs!
- After specs, go to the corners of the room and begin to blowpipe (rapid) / tbow Xarpus. Otherwise, begin the scythe method using the blue and orange tiles (video provided below).
- Move two tiles whenever he looks at you to avoid getting hit by poison spit. Moving more than this will cause extra tiles to be “griefed” with poison.
- Players should stand on the green squares in different quadrants and
Phase 3
- When Xarpus screeches, STOP attacking. Avoid stepping under Xarpus, as he does trample damage (8 max hit per tick).
- Move to the red tiles and begin to blowpipe or scythe Xarpus when he is not looking at you.
- When Xarpus changes directions, or just before, stop attacking. Make sure he is not facing you before attacking again.
- At 5-8% the team should crystal halberd spec.
- Max hits per cycle:
- Blowpipe = 4 hits
- Whip = 2 hits
- (advanced) Scythe/tbow = [2-2-1-2-1] if you hit on the first tick (exactly when he turns); Otherwise, 2-2-1 is recommended.
Tips :
- Players can avoid becoming poisoned by wearing a serpentine helmet.
- When Xarpus changes direction in Phase 3, attack him if it’s safe and begin to move towards the quadrant he is facing. Just before he changed directions, move to the quadrant he is facing and begin to attack. Because he will not look in the same direction twice, this will help reduce tick loss and increase damage, if timed correctly.
- Players should avoid acided tiles as they still cause damage.
Scythe Method (4 tick + intro):
Scythe Method (5 tick) :
Xarpus DPS Chart (highest dps is the bottom chart) :
(first time? check out the quick video guide below!)
Pre-Verzik :
- When the team enters the final room, they should drop restores and saradomin brews on the ground until they are left with 2
and 3
- Note: Potions should not be stacked on top of each other, nor should they be on any marked tile, as this can hurt your team.
Note: Ironmen may choose to put their potions on the purple carpet and let others know they are “ironman potions.”
Mechanics :
Phase 1
- Verzik will launch a magic attack at players. Those standing behind pillars will be protected, instead causing the pillar to take damage. If you are not standing behind the pillar you will take magic damage (up to MAX hp off-prayer). Pillars that reach 0% health will fall and deal heavy damage to any player standing next to them, stunning them temporarily.
- Verzik takes minimal damage from any weapon other than the Dawnbringer
- When Verzik reaches 0% health she will collapse the pillars in the room.
(Intermediate) Team Fight Strategy :
- Team roles : 3+ dps
Prayers –
Required items :
General Strategy (Boss
) :
- The objective of this phase is to use the very powerful Dawnbringer Staff
to take down Verzik’s health. This staff is passed between players in orb order. If players are not hitting Verzik with the dawnbringer, they should be meleeing her or standing behind a pillar.
- With the party leader equipping the dawnbringer
, the team should stand on the red tile in front of Verzik and to the left, protecting from magic and spam clicking her.
- The party leader should begin the fight by talking to Verzik. The following chart shows each player’s number of attacks when the fight begins, up until the team runs to the pillar (represented by the dark grey squares). From this point on, players should only drop the Dawnbringer
behind the pillar.
- Note: Players should be extremely careful never to left-click the Dawnbringer when running back to the pillars. Always right-click the red safespot tile to prevent left-clicking
- Note: Players should be extremely careful never to left-click the Dawnbringer when running back to the pillars. Always right-click the red safespot tile to prevent left-clicking
- You are safe to attack twice when leaving the pillar. For information on timing, see the video below.
- The maximum number of safe attacks after first going behind the pillar is [Spec 2x] or [Whip/Scythe 2x]
- The team must also monitor the health of the pillars. If the pillar is very low health and you think it may go down, stay safe behind it until Verzik claps and then run to the next pillar in this order:
- When Verzik reaches 0% health, spam-click off of the pillars to avoid their falling damage. The white tiles in the room represent spots that are safe from Verzik’s attack and pillar damage.
Tips :
- Always follow orb order and communicate with your team about who is next to pick up the staff, as well as when it is being dropped. If the order is confused, players should communicate if they have special attack (35% required).
- To increase the chance of living throughout Phase 1, default to standing behind the pillar. Your whip/scythe will do litle damage in comparison to the Dawnbringer. Remember that the special attacks are what kills her, and your objective is simply to kill her with
and live. So, keep your health high, protect from magic, and watch the pillar health, remembering to spam-click off if her attack is going to kill it. Watch Verzik’s health when it gets low, and communicate this to your team. You want to be prepared for when it reaches 0% so that you can step off of the pillars.
- The Dawnbringer’s auto-attack is more dps than a whip, and should be used in place of a whip if nobody on the team has 35% special attack energy.
- The Dawnbringer’s damage is not modified by wearing magic gear or using prayers. Players may wear any gear they wish whilst speccing.
- Blood barrage (
) or a Sanguinesti Staff can be used on Verzik to heal and avoid using brews.
- Players may choose to “(lazy) flick piety” for added damage, whilst still saving the majority of prayer.
Guide-guide :
Verzik Phase 1 DPS calcs :
(first time? check out the quick video guide below!)
Green tiles : Safe tiles.
Blue tile : Verzik’s Shadow.
Mechanics :
Phase 2
Part : (100% – 35% health)
- Verzik will occupy a 5×5 area in the middle of the room (inside the green tiles).
- Verzik will bounce any player who stands next to her on her “dangerous tick” (explained later in
). This attack deals up to 40 damage and stuns the player temporarily. The 3×3 area underneath Verzik will bounce the player up to 80 damage.
- Verzik launches bombs at all players every 4 ticks. These bombs deal range damage (up to 50) which can be reduced by 1/2 with
- If players are too far from Verzik she can launch her bombs quickly or slowly as well as their regular speed.
- Every 5 auto attacks (bounces do not count), Verzik launches a lightning attack at players. This attack deals light damage (3-7) as it bounces from one player to another.
- If the lightning passes through Verzik, the attack is canceled and the lightning ball stops bouncing.
- If the lightning does not pass through Verzik and instead continues to bounce to players four times or to a player who is far away from Verzik, it will deal 48-50 damage to the last player and stop bouncing.
- Occasionally, Verzik will spawn a number of “crabs” (nylocas) in the room. These will be the same big crabs from the Nylocas room (
) as well as a new crab (
Exploding nylocas – These crabs will target random players and explode, dealing damage depending on the players distance to the crab, as well as the party size (up to 54, 63, 75 in scales). Damage can be avoided by being at least 5 tiles from the crab. These nylocas can also be frozen (
Purple Nylocas – Verzik will target one random player and spawn a
where they are standing, dealing damage if the player does not avoid the initial spawn. This nylocas will heal verzik for 9-11 hp continuously unless poisoned. Note: If left alive, the purple nylocas stops Verzik from spawning more explosive
Part : (100% – 35% health)
- When Verzik reaches 35% health or below she will stop attacking players and instead spawn two
. When these spawn, Verzik will temporarily put up a tornado shield that negates all damage dealt to her and heals her for that amount.
Red Nylocas – Heals Verzik for its current health after a certain amount of time. Verzik continues to spawn these nylocas every seven attacks until she is at 0% health or the team is dead.
- After 35%, Verzik will no longer spawn explode
- Verzik will use magic attacks now. These attacks can be fully protected against, but drain small amounts of prayer regardless of
(Intermediate) Team Fight Strategy :
Team Roles : 3+ dps (scythe/whip)
Part 1 : (100% – 35% health)
Prayers –
(if no divines)
Freezes (optional) –
(Ice Barrage)
Part 2 : (35% – 0% health)
Prayers –
(if no divines)
General Strategy (Boss
- Players should be high health at the start of Phase 2. Prepot a
- The team should position themselves so Verzik’s lightning attack will pass through her. If they do not stand in positions, the lightning orb will deal one team member heavy damage.
- (3man) : 2 west, 1 east … or … 1 west, 2 east
- (4man) : 2 west, 2 east
- (5man) : 2 west, 2 east, 1 directly south
- Players should only click on Verzik’s shadow to attack her. Clicking any tile but this may result in running through her which is a potential “heavy bounce” (80 max + stun).
- The objective of this phase is to melee Verzik, whilst avoiding her ranged/mage attacks and reacting to the various nylocas she summons.
Part 1 : (100% – 35% health)
- When
nylocas appear, check the room and/or your minimap to find where the crabs are located. If no nylocas are targeting you, continue to attack Verzik, making sure to avoid any crabs that come near you. Players may choose to freeze the nylocas away from their teammates or flinch them.
- To freeze, simply equip a trident (for extra accuracy) and cast
on the crab. Avoid frozen crabs as they can still explode and deal damage.
- To flinch, position yourself close to the grab and then immediately run away. The crab will stop and you will take 0 damage (if done correctly).
- To freeze, simply equip a trident (for extra accuracy) and cast
- Players may choose to “pop” (kill) the
or leave it alive.
- If
is left alive, remember to stay positioned properly so that Verzik’s electric attack travels through her.
- If popping the
, the following poison weapons can be used: (
) , (
) or (
- If
Part 2 : (35% – 0% health)
- When
s appear, players have enough time for [3 whip hits] or [2 scythe hits] on the red crab before Verzik’s tornado shield goes down. Players should continue to melee their crabs until they cannot max hit the crab. (see max hit charts below)
- Players should prepare to get off Verzik after her 7th attack, just before her tornado shield.
- If you get bounced, go to your prayers and prepare to pray range. Verzik has a chance to launch range attacks during this part of Phase 2, and
will halve the damage. If she does not launch a ranged attack, continue to pray magic.
Whip method (see video)
- Starting on the green tiles, when Verzik bounces up, attack her. Immediately click back one tile away from her, diagonally. You will be on the tile next to her when the green ranged attack lands behind you. Because you clicked back immediately, your character will return to the green line just after the bomb lands, avoiding all ranged damage. If you click back too late, your character will be next to Verzik on her dangerous tick and you have a chance to be bounced (40 max + stun).
- Another way to time this is to use game sounds: click Verzik when you hear a high pitched squeek, then click back one tile diagonally away from her.
Scythe method (see video)
- Important: Scythe walking defaults the player next to Verzik for the majority of the time; as such, it is important for newcomers to understand Verzik’s Phase 2 attack cycle before attempting to scythe walk.
- Verzik’s green ranged attacks calculate and deal damage when they explode (
). This means players are able to click on the green smoke (
) that appears after the ranged attack explodes, as the damage has already been done. Using this information, stand next to Verzik and click the green smoke (
) when you see it. Immediately click on her shadow after clicking on the green smoke.
- The tick you are away from her is her dangerous tick.
- Note: This method will result in 1 scythe attack/tick being skipped every four “cycles”. This creates a 15:16 attack cycle, also known as “4 tick scythe.”
Tips :
- Keep your health above 80/90 at all times.
- If brewing, always move first and then brew, to avoid any ranged attacks.
- When Verzik reaches 35%, or just before, tell your team so they are prepared to get off her.
- If you are bounced, spam-click Verzik and you will be back in a cycle, every time.
- If you are new to Phase 2, walk around for a moment before attacking Verzik once the phase begins. You will avoid the ranged attacks (hopefully) and get a chance to see the timing, and hear the sounds, before attacking.
- If you are using Runelite, tag Verzik using NPC Indicators (in settings). When phase 2 starts, her hitbox will change, this is when you should click her to start p2.
- If you need to grab potions, try and wait until after an electric attack. She will not do another electric attack for a while, so you will not risk bouncing the electric around her.
- An easy time to heal during
is when they immediately appear. Spam your brews, or pick up potions if you need them, as Verzik does not attack for a few seconds when she spawns red nylos.
- Always remember to move while attacking
if Verzik’s purple shield is down, as she can attack you with range.
Quick Guide
(First time? Check out the quick video guide below!)
(Intermediate) Team Fight Strategy :
Team Roles : 1 tank , 2+ dps
Prayers –
(if no divines)
Freezes (optional) –
(Ice Barrage)
Vengeance (optional)
Phase 3
Brew to full if you have not already and attack Verzik as soon as you can. Verzik can now move around the room.
- At the beginning of Phase 3, Verzik will choose a random player and focus on them. This player is the tank
. Verzik will focus on the tank throughout the fight. If the tank is out of her melee distance for too long (or stays under her for too long), Verzik will re-aggro onto a new player and the tanking role switches to them.
- If the tank is next to Verzik on her dangerous tick (when she decides her attack), she can melee for high damage (up to 60+).
Method 1: The tank should stay under Verzik until she attacks, then immediately attack her once and run back underneath her (or away from her). Every time she autos, attack her once and repeat this process.
Method 2: Stay under Verzik until she attacks, then immediately attack her once. Watch for hitsplats on players and move under verzik (or away) when you see the last hitsplat. Then repeat.
How to Tank:
- Verzik has an attack cycle: [4 auto attacks, 1 special attack].
- She will attack every 7 ticks with magic (blue body) and range (green body) attacks.

Crabs – These are the same as Phase 2. There is no
. Simply flinch or freeze them.
Webs – Verzik will stand in the center of the room and spawns webs where players stand, as well as a few extra webs. If a player steps on a web, they will stick to the web and be unable to attack or move. If the player is not freed from the web by a teammate fast enough, the web will damage the player heavily.
- See video below for a guide on how to “run webs” (use the orange tiles and run clockwise.)
- If you are not attacking in the middle of the room, immediately run to the outside and begin to walk clockwise, healing yourself or damaging Verzik (tbow/trident) as you walk.
Yellows – Verzik spawns one yellow protection pool per player. After a few seconds she will launch a yellow orb attack. If players are not standing on a yellow pool, or if there is more than 1 player on a pool, her attack will deal heavy damage (80 max). Run to and stay on these while healing up to MAX HEALTH in preparation for her next special attack!
- Note: Verzik is immune to damage during yellows.
Green ball – Verzik launches a slow-moving green ball of death at one player. This ball deals damage equal to 75% of the player’s max health when it reaches them (74 damage if you are 99 hp). You should already be at full hp for this. Simply tank it and avoid other players, as this ball can bounce to them, targeting them instead.
- Note: The targeted player receives a chat box message (like Sotetseg’s death ball) warning them that they are targeted.
20% – 0% health
At 20% health, Verzik spawns purple tornadoes. These tornadoes each target one player and continue to follow them at walking speed until Verzik or the player is dead. If the tornado catches up to a player, it will deal damage equal to 1/2 of the player’s current health. This damage will also heal Verzik and make her stronger (increased combat stats).
- Tornadoes cannot damage any player besides the one it targets.
- Verzik will continue to do her [4 auto attacks, 1 special attack] cycle during tornadoes, but will now attack every 5 ticks, causing the cycle to go faster.
- Players must constantly move during this part of Phase 3. Sip a
spec Verzik as much as you can.
- Continue to manage Verzik’s regular auto attacks, special attacks, and avoiding getting caught by your purple AT ALL COSTS as you damage Verzik.
- During yellows, players may choose to tank the yellow rather than risk getting caught by their purple. To do this, brew to full and continue to avoid your purple!
- Note: Do NOT start purples just before yellows. Always wait for yellows to finish, then bring her below 20%.
Tips :
- Keep your health above 80/90 at all times.
- Callouts to your teammates are extremely important. Here are some useful examples:
- “There’s a melee crab under Verzik and it’s aggro’d on you!”
- “Webs are starting soon, get to the outside of the room!”
- “I’m going for the northeast yellow, you take the one to the south!”
- “The green ball is on me! Don’t touch me! I have enough hp, i’m okay.”
- “Purples are starting soon, is everybody ready? High hp, claws on, supercombat, stam. Go!”
- As a tank, you can do 1 extra hit after Verzik’s fourth auto attack, before webs, yellows, and the green ball.
- Additionally, when tanking, you may run through Verzik, if you make sure to be under her on her dangerous tick. This way, if she is about to attack, and you cannot walk under or run away, you can run through. As long as you are underneath her when she decides her attack, you will not melee your team.
- If you are uncomfortable attacking during purples, run around the room until your more confident teammates kill her. The most important thing to remember is do NOT get caught by your purple.
- Running diagonally during purples gives you a tile advantage. Swing out diagonally from Verzik and then click her. Your purple will stay behind you, but keep moving.
- Don’t forget to have fun. Deaths and wipes are a part of Runescape. The key to your success is your commitment to it.
Quick Guide
How to Tank
Verzik Phase 3 DPS Calcs :