Corporeal Beast is a formidable foe – found within a cave in the Wilderness, to the East of the Graveyard of Shadows.
For a long time, the Corporeal Beast was considered the strongest monster in all of Runescape – practically impossible without a large team of well-equipped players. However, new weapons and more advanced tactics mean nowadays it is possible to solo Corp if you know what you’re doing.
Corporeal Beast is a boss often ‘farmed’ by players looking to score one of the rarest drops in the game – the Elysian Sygil.
The most common tactic to use at Corp is to use Elite Void armour combined with a Zamorakian Hasta – one of the only melee weapons effective at Corp. Depending on the size of your group, you will want to reduce the Corp’s massive defences by using multiple special attacks from either a Dragon Warhammer, a Bandos Godsword or an Arclight – or a combination of all three.
A popular Tactic for players looking to solo the Corporeal Beast is to use the following special attacks in this order:
4 Dragon Warhammer Special Attacks
20 Arclight Special Attacks (each spec must hit at least 1)
200 Bandos Godsword Special Attack Damage (in total)
Combining these special attacks is only possible by quickly teleporting to your Player-owned House to use a Special Restoration pool, then quickly teleporting back to Corp to land more special attacks. It can take around 20 minutes to successfully combine all of the special attacks but once complete, Corp’s stats will be so low you will be able to kill him easily without having to eat any food at all.