The TzHaar Fight Caves is an Old School Runescape challenge in which you must battle through 62 waves of monsters and then defeat the Fight Cave’s final boss – TzTok-Jad.
Completing the fight caves awards one of the best melee capes in the game, the Fire Cape.
On release, the Fight Caves was for a very long time the most difficult challenge in Runescape. As time went on, new gear and more advanced tactics decreased the difficulty of the caves to the point that some veteran players can now complete the Fight Caves in under an hour using very few supplies, with powerful weapons like the Twisted Bow.
The most common tactic for completion of the Fight Caves is to use Ranged. Generally, players with 75 Ranged and above should be able to complete the Fight Caves with a bit of practice and a Toxic Blowpipe. This is a good challenge for new players who are looking to try out PVM in Old School Runescape.
At least 43 Prayer is highly recommended for all methods of completing the Fight Caves, as the full set of Protection prayers will be needed throughout.